CHAIRMAN:                          SECRETARY:                         TREASURER:

Cedric Thomas                                     Simone Kennett                                                    David Liddington

01872 580618                                         01872 580282                                                         01788 822216


The South West Fleet is very much looking forward to welcoming several members of the East Coast Fleet to the National Championships to be held at St Mawes between the 14 – 16 July.  Much effort was put into trying for a week-end nearer Falmouth Week, but this was not to be.  David Mathewson has been elected Chairman/Class Captain of the South-West fleet with Simone Kennett as Secretary – an able pairing as I’m sure you will agree.


There have been three changes of ownership in the SW since last season.  We welcome Mike Evans and Keith Hughes with Kittiwake and Richard Hitchings with Diomedes to the fleet and Richard & Jenny Bown with Pintail back to the fleet.


I have the 2005 Minutes to hand and one thing in particular that ought to be resolved once and for all at our AGM is the future of the Ajax Mould.  My feeling is that it is becoming a millstone around the Association’s neck. We need to talk about one-design principles too.  One or two members have been expressing their unease at various modifications taking place on boats.  Are the measurement committee members as active as they might be?  Any boat having a major re-fit e.g. a new mast should be thoroughly checked over.


Falmouth Week 2005 saw 29 boats entered – a figure that may well be exceeded in 2006.  Results: 1st ATHENA David Liddington;  2nd AJAX David Mathewson; 3rd NEMESIS Bob Edwards; 4th AVOCET Doug Sharps. 

The SouthWest Championships saw 20 boats entered.  We were delighted that 3 East Coast made the journey and stayed on for Falmouth Week.  Results:

1st ATHENA David Liddington;  2nd NEMESIS Bob Edwards; 3rd AMALTHEA Roger Wood


The St Mawes SC Club Series racing on Thursdays and Sundays was won by AMALTHEA sailed by Roger and Claire Wood in their first year in the Class.


The East Coast Results for 2005 are as follows:

Spring Series:  1st AVOCET   Doug Sharps 2nd GUILLEMOT  David Mayne/Kelvin Douglas          3rd THUNDERER  John Williams


Summer Series: 1st GUILLEMOT David Mayne/Kelvin Douglas  2nd THUNDERER  John Williams 3rd PEGASUS  David Kerridge


Autumn Series:1st AVOCET Doug Sharps 2nd PEGASUS  David Kerridge 3rd  GANNET  Bob Tate