Chairman’s Report – Cedric Thomas 2007
Another sailing season is upon us and in a few weeks I hope once again to make the trip to Harwich along with two other boats from down here. The Oliver Lee trophy will then be sailed for on the Thursday prior to the Championships. We had hoped to bring Richard Beaman as Race Officer but felt we could not risk having him rejected by Dr Chris Brown!
Looking back over 2006 turnouts were excellent. 26 boats competed in Falmouth Week and 24 entered the National Championships. I am not detailing the results here as communication by wire or E-something means you all get the news etc. on a regular basis thanks to having an extremely competent secretary in Simone Kennett.
Very little has happened in the way of changes in the SW fleet other than the wreck that Charles Emmett brought back from Dublin last year has been beautifully restored but will I believe need to be measured and weighed before it gets anywhere near the water! The E coast Measurement Committee had several meetings over the winter and has communicated its thoughts to the SW Fleet. These have been circulated for comment/feedback before the AGM. I personally just wonder whether we are not getting a bit carried away with Rules as a 40+ year old fleet should generally speaking comply with Rules – but Yes perhaps boats should be checked periodically.
Falmouth Week runs from 11-18 August and here in the SW we would be delighted if a few East Coast boats would come down and sail with us during that week.