Chairman’s Report  2011

Since the last AGM at St Mawes Sailing Club on 22.7.10 the 2010 National Championships were held in Falmouth Bay. This turned out to be one of the best Championships with 5 boats visiting from the East Coast Fleet. A total of 23 boats competed in moderate breezes and bright sunshine. The trial format of having 8 short races over 3 days was a great success. The racing was very close with much position changing and there was an exciting finish in the 8th race when Athena (David Liddington) won the Championships by one point from Amalthea (Roger Wood). Atalanta (Alex Davey) was 3rd and Guillemot (David Mayne) was 4th.  Many thanks are due to the race officer, Neil Andrew, and of course Lindsey Thomas for her excellent organisation on and off the water.

Falmouth Week 2010 saw a strong turnout in the Ajax Fleet with 24 boats competing, including 3 boats from the East Coast, Pegasus, Thunderer and Teal, who had stayed down after the Champs. The racing was again very close, but the first 5 places went to the SW Fleet. David Liddington won again in Athena, John Howard came 2nd in Aeolus and Roger and Clare Wood came 3rd in Amalthea.  Pegasus, Thunderer and Teal from the East Coast came 6th, 7th and 8th respectively. In addition to winning the Ajax Class David Liddington and crew had the honour of being awarded the West Briton Trophy and Falmouth Week Trophy for the yacht of the week. The week finished in style with the usual very enjoyable BBQ hosted by Lindsey and Cedric Thomas at Messack Farm.  

In the East Coast Fleet we welcome the new owners of Polly Oliver, Mike Clayton and Bob Portway, and Richard Burnford and Julian Molyneux, who have aquired Widgeon. Atalanta has now been imported to the east coast and Alex Davey will be a strong contender when he sails her in the 2011 National Championships this year. There has been a strong entry of 18 boats for the Championships to be held in Dovercourt Bay and we are continuing the format of 8 races over 3 days. We are delighted that Dudley Kennett will be bringing Odysseus up from St Mawes to compete with Guy Clapson and Cedric Thomas as crew. It would not be the same without Cedric.

The RHYC Spring Series saw an average turnout of 7 boats with some strong winds and was won by John Williams in Thunderer. So far we have had up to 11 boats on the line in the Summer Series and Malcolm Mackley in Artemis is in the lead, although sadly he will be leaving the fleet soon when he moves to Salcolme.

With regards to weighing boats, this year the weigh scales were taken down to St Mawes in the spring, kindly transported by Charles Emmett, and every effort is being made to weigh as many St Mawes boats as possible. We understand that Aquilla, Ajax, Aeolus and Troy have already been weighed and we can only have a further debate about the subject when the majority of boats have been weighed.

In summary therefore the National Ajax Fleet is in good heart, it is actively supported with several new owners, the standard of racing is very high and we remain the premier racing fleet at both the RHYC and St Mawes SC.


Bob Tate – Chairman                                                                                           June 2011