Ajax 23 One Design Class Association



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at St Mawes Sailing Club on Saturday 31st July, 19.30.


David Liddington took the chair in John Williams’s absence.


  1. There were twenty-five members present. Apologies were received from Frank Norman, Jeremy Prosser, Richard Boucher-Giles and John Williams.
  2. Minutes of the 37th AGM were approved.
  3. There were no matters arising from that meeting.
  4. The chairman’s report was approved by a show of hands.
  5. As the reprinting of the handbooks had not cost too much, the treasurer reported there were now enough surplus funds to distribute £500 to each section. (This had been decided a year ago.)
  6. All approved the accounts.
  7. The election of officers was done on block. Proposed by Cedric Thomas and seconded by James Skellorn.
  8. The date of the 2005 championships was to be advised later. St Mawes preferred June or early July.
  9. David Liddington proposed that all membership should be £6. Only one vote was allowed per boat. It would be better and simpler. All were in favour of the change. New standing order arrangements would have to be made but as David was in the process of changing to Lloyds bank to get a better rate of interest, this would not create extra work.
  10. Any other business:


Bob Tate asked for a boat/owners list. Data protection was questioned. St Mawes had such a list. A form of acceptance to be signed by each member was to be sent with the standing order papers. A proper list could then be made and published.


Mike Conlin suggested that £500 of our funds could be held in premium bonds. Some banter took place about what we would do with a million pound win. This was proposed by Simone Kennett and seconded by Doug Sharps and approved eagerly by all.


Cedric assured Dehlia Hazell local regatta dates were not clashing.


James Skellorn proposed a vote of thanks to John Williams for producing the fine web site. All agreed.


The meeting was declared closed at 20.00.