Present: Cedric Thomas,
Apologies: John Selby, Ken
Stowe and Simone Kennett
The minutes of the 2006
meeting were agreed.
There were no other matters
The Chairmans Report had been
circulated with the 2007 minutes. Cedric Thomas merely added to welcome Charles
Emmett and Kali to the fleet. Kali having been sourced from Ireland; yet
another Irish boat to join the fleet.
The Treasurers Report published and circulated. The increase in
subscriptions had caused a few problems, soon letters to be distributed to
‘top-up’ old subscription fees. The
Election of Officers: Bob Tate proposed to re-elect existing officers,
David Pearce seconded. There was a unanimous vote of approval.
East Coast
Report: All the East Coast
boats had had their jib tracks measured. All were in the correct position,
14.5” from the aft chainplate. The general consensus was that clarification of
the distance away from the chain plate was required. The SW fleet were happy to
put bolts into the track to maintain uniformity, but weren’t convinced it was
necessary as they set the car further back than the 14.5”. David Liddington
explained that it was merely a clarification of the rule that was required, not
a change in rules. To summarise, clarification of the rule was necessary and
needed to be added to the rulebook. Tony James proposed and David Pearce
seconded, it went to vote and was carried unanimously. It must be noted that
the National Champion 2007, Mr John Pack had to ask what a chainplate was!
1. The forward end of the jib track should be no closer than 14.5
inches to the aft chainplate. (11.1.G)
Most East Coast boats had been weighed with varying results, published
with Agenda.
David Liddington has a GRP rudder and he was in class when it was
made. The proposed rule change 7.1.1 was
modified to take effect from the date of AGM so that he would not be out of
class. He could therefore continue to use it legally. David Liddington pointed out that it was not a
light rudder.
Peter Nicolls recommended that weighing of rudders should be brought in
later, for those able to remove their rudders, to provide a ‘bracket’ within which
the weight should fall. Three of the boats have fixed rudders and can’t be
Gordon Sutton proposed and John Pack seconded that the new rule (7.1.1)
should read…”
From 23rd June
2007 the rudder and skeg shall be made from wood, no less dense than the
original wood. The rudder and skeg may be sheathed with epoxy resin or GRP.”
The vote was carried.
AOB The floor wished to thank John Williams for his time and collation of
the EC report.
National Championships 2008 It was agreed that we would
aim for two weeks prior to Falmouth Week, so that the EC boats could come down
for three weeks of sailing.
David Liddington is to make Robin Collins and Greg Webb honorary
members of the association, so that they continue to receive the class rules
but don’t pay for them.
Cedric Thomas thanked
Meeting closed at 7.30pm.