National Ajax Association Annual General Meeting, Sat 27th June 2015 at RHYC


The Chairman opened the meeting thanking RHYC for the use of their facilities and making the arrangements for the AGM. He introduced R.Bown and H. Tresidder (the SW division Class Captain) present from St. Mawes.

The chairman also thanked the out-going chairman Bob Tate for producing the Handbook and John Williams for his work for the Class.


Apologies for Absence:

Dr C. Brown (Mars), R. Beaman (Aeolus), K. Stowe (Sirius)


Those Present:

 H. Tresidder (Redoubtable), D. and L. Pearce (Puffin), R. Burnford  and J. Molyneux (Widgeon), R.Tate (Teal), J.Williams (Thunderer), R. Portway (Polly Oliver), W.,O. and D Patten (Indefatigable), G. Sutton (Telamon), D. Mayne (Guillemot), P. Mayhew and S. Quantril, (Dionysius), R.Bown (Pintail).


Minutes of 2014 AGM:

Acceptance proposed by J. Williams and seconded by H. Tresidder. Agreed


Matters Arising from Minutes:

The use of dual spinnaker pole systems: after a brief discussion it was agreed that the position be reviewed after 2 years.


Chairman’s Report:


Discussion following report:

Weight measurement: following comments on weight measurement, John Williams summarised his earlier work on weighing boats. The class has access to a weight cell and all the E. Coast boats have been weighed, but there was limited enthusiasm to weigh boats in the SW.  H. Tresidder proposed that the SW division should be asked to weigh all boats. W. Patten seconded this and it was agreed.

GS talked about the RHYC initiative to encourage young sailors: younger sailors have been invited to take part in club racing and this has had some success. HT commented on the approach to juniors (JST) in St. Mawes.


Treasurer’s report:

Attached (Audited by D.Kennett)

The accounts show a surplus of ~£5k.

Distribution of funds to the divisions was then discussed. JW mentioned that RHYC need to maintain their launching trolley and HT mentioned that StMSC might like to explore ways of making an Ajax available for use by JST. It was formally proposed by John Williams that £500 should be given to each division. Seconded by Bob Tate and agreed.

The Chairman thanked David Liddington for his many years of excellent support as Treasurer. All those present also added their thanks.


East Coast Division Report: (R. Portway)


Comments arising: the SW members present joined in thanking M. Prosser for the loan of Hermione for the 2015 Championship.


South West Division Report: (H. Tresidder)



2016 Championship Dates:

A date close to Falmouth Week will be requested and EC members asked for notice as soon as possible. RB said that, most likely, a date would be agreed by September depending on the resolution of St. Mawes and POFSA calendars.

A.Davey asked if a package deal was possible for the launching of a number of boats from the EC. Costs in the SW are greater than those at Shotley. It was agreed that RB and HT would explore possibilities.

50th Anniversary arrangements:

The Chairman suggested that we should celebrate the 50th anniversary of the class. The precise date is subject to debate but it was agreed that, for consistency, an event should be organised to be 10 years after the 40th celebration. The Chairman will propose some options.

Election of Officers:

The Chairman and Secretary are prepared to continue. This was formally proposed by John Williams and seconded by R. Tate. Agreed

Treasurer; there are no volunteers (P. Scullion and Ian Woods were suggested but both have subsequently refused politely  (RB)).


W. Patten queried the use of adjustable backstays. This is not allowed in the class rules and would require a proposal to the 2016 AGM if any change is to be made.

Date of 2016 AGM:

To coincide with 2016 Championship