Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting

St Mawes Sailing Club

Saturday 30 July at 1730




Jeannie Bown, Hereward Tresidder, Mike Clayton, Martine Clayton, Delia Hazell, Rob Mathewson, David Mathewson, Mike Black,  Mike Grice, Cedric Thomas, John Howard, Roger Wood, Bob Portway



Apologies were received from Dudley Kennett, Bob Tate, Rob Geddes Brown, David Liddington, John Williams, Alex Davey, Richard Burnford


Minutes of Last AGM

Richard Bown provided a few corrections and then these were approved.


Matters Arising



Chairman’s Report

Ian Reid reported that the class had enjoyed some good sailing although numbers were slightly reduced for championships and Falmouth Week in the south west. It was a relatively quiet year for activity within the class.  Ian welcomed Polly Oliver from the east Coast and also welcomed Mike Grice to the fleet in Polyphemus.  The chairman welcomed ideas to further the class.


Treasurers Report

David Liddington was unfortunately not present at the meeting but had sent a message stating that he has now passed on the treasurer role to Mike Clayton for the forthcoming year.  MC reported that he was happy to take over the role and thanked DL for all the work he has done.  As there was quite a bit of money in the bank, MC asked the meeting if there were any funding requirements?  No ideas were provided and it was suggested that this be reviewed next year.


2016 SW Champs

Notices – none, apart from a general request for more wind!


East Coast  Class Report

MC reported that the class was slightly down on numbers this year.  There was an unfortunate mix up on dates for the championships this year resulting in attendance numbers down.  MC stated that normally 15 or 16 boats would be on the water, however this year only 12 or so managed to compete.  MC state that he noticed many younger people on the water in Ajax in St Mawes and was curious how that was achieved as it was a problem for the East Coast.  There were 2 boats currently for sale on the East Coast.




South West Class Report

Jeannie Bown reported that as usual now, Club sailing was slow to start this year but is now good.  It is very gratifying to see a number of boats on the water, including a number of borrowed boats, particularly younger generation.  JB also reported more boats for the local regattas.


Dates for 2017 Nationals

MC proposed that the 2017 National Championships be held over the weekend of 16, 17, 18 June 2017 at RHYC. If SW fleet sailors would like to attend without boats, the EC fleet would do their very best to find boats to borrow.


Ideas to commemorate 50th anniversary

Richard Beaman proposed that Falmouth Week 2018 could be a celebratory week and that if possible the National Championships for that year be held at a convenient time to allow as many East Coast boats to attend both the Nationals and FW.  It was proposed that the EC fleet could consider this for discussion as 2017 meeting?


Election of Officers

Ian Reid stated that as he was off to prepare for his round the world challenge unfortunately had to step down in his role as Chairman. 

Richard Beaman, current secretary agreed to act as Chairman and secretary for 1 year only, although would almost certainly be unable to attend the National meeting next year.  This was approved and the meeting assured that a representative could chair the meeting in 2017.

As Treasurer Mike Clayton was duly elected, nominated by Richard Bown, and seconded by Hereward Tresidder.


Other Business

JH proposed that the min number of crew for a champs be abandoned because of trouble getting crew from time to time.  A discussion followed within the room Hereward Tresidder stated that in his opinion the Ajax was a 3 man keelboat and it should be sailed and raced that way.  Others concluded that the 3 man ruled provided a reasonably level playing field and it was concluded that the rule should remain.


The outgoing Chairman was thanked.  Ian Reid passed his thanks to everyone.


Date of next meeting

Saturday 17 June 2017 to coincide with the 2017 National Championships


Meeting closed at 1820.